Check out these stat blocks for monsters posted on ENworld.The City That Dripped Blood is a single one-shot adventure suitable for a party of level 4 characters.This creature's ability to transform into a variety of powerful forms, and its pure and Although the stat blocks are horror themed fantasy adventure. The stat block doesn’t say the oblex gets to use class features, though, just proficiencies.Expanded to include all skill scores and resistances - not just the ones the creature's proficient with. There are times when you need a picture to fill the entire page. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the target instead takes 64 necrotic damage.

Here are the creatures and monsters of Middle-earth in the Third Age in stat block form for use with the 5th edition rules. It takes place in an ancient, abandoned, desert ruin that is ruled over by evil vampires desperate to drink the blood of heroes. Ferocious 1 gives the Polar Bear +3 To-Hit, Relentless gives him +10 HP and +1 Wound, Rage 2 gives him +20 HP every time it receives a Wound. An Oblex is easily the most petrifying creature that can be encountered in a campaign, and was notably the work of a child who worked with Wizards of the Coast to design a monster through the Make-A-Wish foundation.The AC of a character is determined at character creation, whereas the AC of a monster is in its stat block. It's definitely a loose system and not perfectly matched to the math of 5e D&D but the whole challenge rating system is likewise imperfect. My entire notes for it, scrawled down a few minutes before the session, were: Rubber/tar-demon – HD8. Help improving it by giving your feedback! These should be changed to apply an overall +2, either through a +2 on one stat, or +1 on two stats.